Harrison, D. E., Strong, R., Alavez, S., Astle, C. M., DiGiovanni, J., Fernandez, E., Flurkey, K., Javors, M. A., Levi, M., Lithgow, G. J., Macchiarini, F., Nelson, J. F., Sukoff Rizzo, S. J., Slaga, T. J., Stearns, T., Wilkinson, J. E., Miller, R. A. Acarbose improves health and lifespan in aging HET3 mice. Aging Cell. 2019 Apr;18(2):e12898.
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Monroy, A., Lithgow, G. J., Alavez, S. Curcumin and neurodegenerative diseases. Biofactors 2013; 39(1):122-32. Corresponding author
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Alavez, S., Lithgow, G. J. y Muranjan, M. "Slowing of Aging" In Encyclopedia of Gerontology (Second Edition): Age, Aging, and the Aged (James E. Birren, ed), Elsevier Inc. Oxford, UK, pp 508-514, 2007.
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